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Plugins XF Streamer Plugin: Twitch

Show your best streamers in widget and in subpage!

Overview Releases (3)

Display streamers on your board!​

Show your favourite streamers using our widget! Display streamers avatar, live watcher counter and stream title.

Subpage with big display boxes​

Sometimes side widget is too small for your ideas! That’s why we bring you subpage to show your streamers.

Easy to add streamers​

All you need is your streamer Twitch nickname. Plugin will take care about rest!

Easy access to streamers list​

Don’t want to remove streamer? You can just hide him for a while!

Filter streamers​

Want to run special event and show streamers using your TAG in stream title? Now it’s easy!

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Reactions: badpepe

Product Information

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Pricing information

6 Months
Renewal cost
12 Months
Renewal cost