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Plugins XF Ultimate Landing Page 1.1.0

landing page for gaming communities

Overview Releases (4)

All you need in one place​

Your logo, background, menu and sections. This all in one place to provide clear and modern way to display your project info!

Easy to edit sections​

Predefined sections are easy to edit. Just enable permissions for your Xenforo group and use Edit, Add and Remove buttons!

YouTube Videos​

You can link your youtube videos! Landingpage will embed them and display in Videos section.

Custom gallery​

Not only videos but also you can display galleries showing your project. No problem with space thanks to slider!

Staff section​

Every project need to show some info about their staff. We provided simple and elegant way to do it!

Streamers section​

A lot of gaming server projects work with streamers. Listing them on your langing page is great idea. To unlock this section you need to also buy Streamers plugin: Twitch.

Control your panels and settings​

You can chose which sections to display on your langing page.

Product Information

Release date
Last update
0% 0.00 star(s) 0 ratings

Pricing information

6 Months
Renewal cost
12 Months
Renewal cost